Direct tutoring
Our direct tutoring model includes high-impact, one-on-one tutoring for students in both in-person and online formats.
Our volunteer-driven model engages community volunteers to support students in developing mastery of key reading skills. Volunteers are trained to implement our evidence-based curriculum rooted in the science of reading.聽
Science of Reading
日本av无码鈥 instruction has always strived to put the science of reading and evidence-based practices into our program. We know that beliefs and trends can change over time and so our goal is to stay on top of evidence-based practices such as the science of reading.聽
We incorporate all five domains of literacy as defined by the National Reading Panel: phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. One of our core practices is to ensure that instruction in each 日本av无码 curriculum level, including phonemic awareness and phonics, is systematically and explicitly taught through a thoughtful, mastery-oriented scope and sequence.聽